Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)
About This Visa
The Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) is a temporary visa for tourists, business visitors or to visit family for 3, 6 or 12 months. There are 6 streams for this visa type.
Costs & Details of the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)
The Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) currently has varied costs depending upon which stream you apply for. The processing times can vary depending upon the stream you apply for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600)
What This Visa Lets You Do
The Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) allows you to temporarily stay in Australia for tourist, visit or other business purposes for up to between 3, 6 and up to 12 months. What you are able to do is dependent upon what stream you apply for. For more information, scroll down below.

Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia)
What This Stream Lets You Do
The cost of the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia) is currently $365AUD and you can stay for up to 12 months. Most processing times are within 26 days. With this visa you can:
visit family or friends
be here as a tourist, for a cruise or for any purpose except business or medical treatment
You can study or train for up to 3 months in total on this visa. But if your main reason for travelling to Australia is study, a student visa might be more appropriate.
You cannot work.
You will need a visa if you enter Australia during a cruise. If your cruise is a round trip cruise, the time you spend on the cruise counts as time spent in Australia – that is, we do not consider you have left Australia. A round trip cruise will not reset your stay period on your visa. Ask your cruise operator or travel agent if we consider your cruise to be a round trip cruise.
Eligibility for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia)
To be eligible for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Tourist Stream (Apply from Australia), you will need to demonstrate that you:
Meet the necessary health requirements.
Meet the necessary character requirements.
Have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
Be a genuine visitor – This means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.
Tourist Stream (Apply Outside Australia)
What This Stream Lets You Do
The cost of the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Tourist Stream (Apply outside Australia) is currently $145AUD and you can stay for up to 3, 6, or 12 months. Most processing times are within 26 days. With this visa you can: :
visit family or friends
be here as a tourist, for a cruise or for any purpose except business or medical treatment
You can study or train for up to 3 months in total on this visa. But if your main reason for travelling to Australia is study, a student visa might be more appropriate.
You cannot work.
You will need a visa if you enter Australia during a cruise. If your cruise is a round trip cruise, the time you spend on the cruise counts as time spent in Australia – that is, we do not consider you have left Australia. A round trip cruise will not reset your stay period on your visa. Ask your cruise operator or travel agent if we consider your cruise to be a round trip cruise.
Eligibility for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Tourist Stream – Apply Outside Australia
To be eligible for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Tourist Stream (Apply Outside Australia), you will need to demonstrate that you:
Meet the necessary health requirements.
Meet the necessary character requirements.
Have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
Be a genuine visitor – This means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.
You must have adequate health insurance.
You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.
Sponsored Family Stream
What This Stream Lets You Do
The cost of the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Sponsored Family Stream is currently $145AUD (however the Department usually requests a security bond). You can stay for up to 3, 6, or 12 months. Most processing times are within 55 days. With this visa you can: :
visit family or friends
be here as a tourist, for a cruise or for any purpose except business or medical treatment
You can study or train for up to 3 months in total on this visa. But if your main reason for travelling to Australia is study, a student visa might be more appropriate.
You cannot work.
You will need a visa if you enter Australia during a cruise. If your cruise is a round trip cruise, the time you spend on the cruise counts as time spent in Australia – that is, we do not consider you have left Australia. A round trip cruise will not reset your stay period on your visa. Ask your cruise operator or travel agent if we consider your cruise to be a round trip cruise.
Eligibility for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Sponsored Family Stream
To be eligible for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Sponsored Family Stream, you will need to demonstrate that you:
Meet the necessary health requirements.
Meet the necessary character requirements.
Have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
Be a genuine visitor – This means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.
You must have a sponsor. Your sponsor can be either:
a family member in Australia
an Australian government official
If a family member wants to support you without becoming a sponsor, you can apply for a Visitor visa (subclass 600) Tourist stream. Provide a letter of invitation from your family member with your application.
You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.
Business Visitor Stream
What This Stream Lets You Do
The cost of the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Business Visitor Stream is currently $145AUD. You can stay for up to 3 months. Most processing times are within 18 days. With this visa you can:
make general business or employment enquiries
investigate, negotiate, enter into or review a business contract
conduct activities as part of an official government visit
take part in a conference, trade fair or seminar. The organisers can’t pay you to take part
You can’t:
work for or provide services to a business or organisation based in Australia
sell goods or services directly to the public
If you want to do short-term work in Australia that isn’t a business visitor activity, consider applying for a temporary work visa.
APEC Business Travel Card holders
You might not need to apply for a visa to travel to Australia if you hold an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Travel Card (ABTC). We consider you to have applied for a Visitor visa when you applied for the ABTC.
ABTC holders (other than New Zealanders) might be granted a Visitor (subclass 600) Business Visitor stream visa to visit Australia.  If you hold an ABTC with ‘AUS’ printed on the back, you can enter Australia for short-stay business visitor or tourism activities for as long as the ABTC is valid. The ABTC is valid for 5 years from the date we issue it.
If you apply for and are granted a separate visa, the visa associated with your ABTC will cease.
Eligibility for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Business Visitor Stream
To be eligible for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Business Visitor Stream, you will need to demonstrate that you:
Meet the necessary health requirements.
Meet the necessary character requirements.
Have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
Be a genuine visitor – This means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
You must demonstrate that it is in the best interests of a child if you are under 18.
Perform Business Activities. As a business visitor, you can:
make general business or employment enquiries
investigate, negotiate, enter into or review a business contract
conduct activities as part of an official government visit
take part in a conference, trade fair or seminar. The organisers can’t pay you to take part
You can’t:
work for or provide services to a business or organisation based in Australia
sell goods or services directly to the public
You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.
Approved Destination Status Stream
What This Stream Lets You Do
This visa stream is for citizens from certain areas of China visiting Australia on a tour organised by an approved travel agent. This visa lasts for the time frame specified in your visa grant letter. The department will consider the length of your tour when we determine your stay period. The cost of the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Approved Destination Status Stream is currently $145AUD. You can stay for the period or until the date we specify in your grant letter. Most applications are granted within 4 days. With this visa you can:
can enter Australia with your approved tour group
can participate in activities that are part of your tour
must leave Australia with your tour group before your visa expires
Eligibility for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Approved Destination Status Stream
To be eligible for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Approved Destination Status Stream, you will need to demonstrate that you:
Meet the necessary health requirements.
Meet the necessary character requirements.
Have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
Be a genuine visitor – This means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.
It must be in the best interests of a child under 18.
Frequent Traveller Stream
What This Stream Lets You Do
This visa stream is for citizens of the People’s Republic of China who travel often to Australia for business or personal reasons.. The visa can be granted for up to 10 years. Stay up to 3 months each time you enter for up to 12 months in any 2 year period. The cost of the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Frequent Traveller Stream is currently $1065AUD. You can stay for up to 3 months at a time. Most applications are granted within 15 days. With this visa you can:
visit family or friends
be here as a tourist, for a cruise or a holiday
undertake business visitor activities
Eligibility for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Frequent Traveller Stream
To be eligible for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) – Frequent Traveller Stream, you will need to demonstrate that you:
Meet the necessary health requirements.
Meet the necessary character requirements.
Have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your trip.
Be a genuine visitor – This means you have the intention to visit Australia temporarily and only do the things that the visa allows you to do.
You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian government.
It must be in the best interests of a child under 18.
How to Apply for This Visa
The Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) needs to be done right first time and to avoid unnecessary delay, use a registered migration agent Mark Pelley – Principal Migration Agent for Visas To Australia. The Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) requires substantial documentation to support claims made in the application. This process can be lengthy and confusing. Failure to correctly apply for the Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) could result in a rejection from the Department of Home Affairs and having to reapply and to pay all costs again. Contact VISAS TO AUSTRALIA to help you apply for this visa.